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Knowledge base
About the GCTools
What type of documents/information can we post/share on the GCTools?
Are the GCTools accessible to employees with disabilities?
Is there duplication with GCDocs?
Why can’t I use a pseudonym on the GCTools?
What happens if employees post inappropriate or rude content?
See all 10 articles
About the GCTools
What are the rules regarding Official Languages?
Is the content of the GCTools “ATIPable”?
Who has ownership of the content?
Who ensures accuracy on content?
How can I learn about the history of the GCTools?
See all 9 articles
Getting Started
How do I create an account?
How do I navigate GCconnex?
Why should I complete my GCconnex profile?
How do I access my profile?
How do I edit my profile?
See all 12 articles
Content Management
How can I sort activity that I see in my newsfeed?
How do I post on the Wire?
How do I post a blog?
How do I post an image in a blog post?
How do I create and view bookmarks?
See all 14 articles
About GCconnex
What is GCconnex?
Who can use GCconnex?
What can we do with GCconnex?
Is there a cost to using GCconnex?
Do I need permission to use GCconnex? Who has access to GCconnex?
See all 19 articles
Collaboration and Networking
How do I use the "Like" button?
How do I manage colleague circles?
How do I send private messages?
How do I create an event?
How do I mention (or tag) someone on GCconnex?
Manage Account Settings
How do I change my language settings?
I forgot my password. How do I retrieve it?
I lost my username. How do I retrieve it?
How do I change my password?
How do I change my email address?
See all 16 articles
Group Ownership and Management
How do I create a group or subgroup?
How can I add or remove members from my group?
How do I change the group icon?
How do I transfer ownership or make group operators?
How can I send a message to all my group members?
See all 10 articles
What kind of widgets are available?
How do I add and configure widgets?
How do I configure the Twitter Widget?
How do I configure the "My Colleagues" widget?
How do I configure the "Files" widget?
See all 7 articles
Career Marketplace
What is the Career Marketplace?
How does the Career Marketplace work?
How do I opt into the Career Marketplace?
How do I turn on Career Marketplace notifications?
How do I create an Opportunity in the Career Marketplace?
See all 12 articles