1. Add the Files widget to your profile, dashboard or group main page.
  2. On the displayed widget, click the gear icon.
  3. A pop-up menu will open.
  4. Choose the number of files to display in the widget.
  5. Choose how you want files to display in your widget: Gallery or List view.
    • Gallery: Displays icons that represent the type of file in the widget. It doesn’t show the name of the file.
    • List View: Displays a list of files, including filenames.
  6. Choose the Access you would like. This will determine who is able to see the widget on your profile page.

    Select either:

    • Only me: Only you can see this content – no other GCcollab member can view this content.
    • My Colleagues on GCcollab only: Only the members you have added as your colleagues on GCcollab can see this content.
    • Users logged in to GCcollab only: Anyone with a GCcollab account can see this content while logged in.
  7. Scroll down and click Save.