Note: this function is only available to the group owner and group operators. 

How to enable Photo Albums (For group owners and group operators)

The Photo Album widget is enabled by default when a group is created and can be found under the More. It can be easily disabled by editing the group.

  1.  Go to Settings and click Edit group. the edit group option under the settings menu
  2.  Change to the Content options tab
  3.  Check off Enable group image albums module and Enable group image module 

the content options tab, with group images enabled

How to create a photo album

  1. Click More to reveal a drop-down menu 
  2.  Click Photo Albumsthe photo albums option under the more tab
  3.  Click Create album 
  4. Write/provide an Album title, Album description, and Tags. Review Access settings.Click Save.

How to upload photos to an album

  1. In Photo Albums, click/select the album you would like to add photos to.
  2. Click Upload images to this album.
  3. Click Browse to locate the image you would like to upload. You may upload up to 10 images at a time.
  4. Click Upload images.
  5. Fill in the description of your photo including the Title, Caption, and Tags (optional).
  6. Click Save.